The Casual Uniform is sometimes referred to as the Red or Scarlet Blazer uniform.
The individual items that make up the Casual Uniform for regular members, and for associate members is illustrated below. Specific regulations regarding this uniform are provided following these illustrations.

Men's Casual Uniform
The regulations regarding the Casual Uniform for both regular and associate male members is provided below.
The scarlet and gold men's garrison-style cover with the appropriate device, embroidered lettering and identification strips is to be worn with the Casual Uniform. Detailed information regarding the cover is provided in the instructions regarding the Basic Uniform.
Blazer and Buttons
The scarlet blazer is available through a number of clothing vendors. The jacket should fit properly and should not "pull" when buttoned. The buttons that are provided with the blazer by most suppliers will need to be removed and replaced with the official gold-colored Marine Corps League buttons. There will be two (2) large Marine Corps League buttons on the front of the blazer, and three (3) small Marine Corps League buttons on each sleeve.
Blazer Crest
The Marine Corps League blazer crest is worn only by regular members and is not authorized for wear by associate members. The blazer crest is worn on the left breast pocket, about ¼-inch below the lower half of the breast pocket cuff and centered on the pocket. The bullion-embroidered blazer crest may be attached using the three pin and clutch-back fasteners that are affixed to the back of the crest, or through the use of a blazer crest pocket insert. In lieu or an embroidered crest, a commercially sold plastic sleeve insert with a permanently set Marine Corps League seal may be worn in its place.
Lapel Pin
The Marine Corps League Member, Life Member, Commandant, and Associate Member pins may be worn in the left lapel button hole. Other pins are authorized, but never more than two (2) at a time. Consult section VIII of the current edition of the Marine Corps League Uniform Code for a detailed listing of authorized lapel pins.
Dress Shirt
The shirt may either be long sleeve or short sleeve, but must be solid white in color and should have a plain collar. This shirt can be purchased at any clothing store. It will not be the "aviator" style shirt worn with the Winter or Summer Undress Uniforms. No collar devices, pins, badges, ribbons, medals, or patches are to worn on the white dress shirt.
Necktie and Tie Bar
The necktie should be a solid-color flat black tie with either a Marine Corps League, Marine Corps, or a Marine Corps NCO gold tie bar. No other tie bar is authorized, nor is the use of tie tacks. A four-in-hand knot is recommended. A clip-on tie may be worn in lieu of a standard necktie.
Trousers and Belt
Black trousers with a black belt and square gold buckle with the Marine Corps Emblem are to be worn with the Casual Uniform. The belt can be either be a 1½-inch or ¾-inch wide black leather belt. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle, while the narrower belt is worn with the rectangular buckle. Both buckles are gold in color and have the Marine Corps emblem on them. The black trousers may be purchased at any clothing store. The length of the trousers should be such that the bottom cuff of the trousers just touches the top of the heel sole of the shoes. Sansabelt trousers are not authorized with the Casual Uniform, nor are dress blue trousers.
Shoes and Socks
Black socks should be worn. Shoes should be black oxfords, either of Corfam, or highly shined leather. The uppers on the toes of the shoes should be flat, with no seams. Rubber or leather soles may be worn, however, taps are not authorized.
Up to three full-size official military or Marine Corps League medals may be worn with the Casual Uniform as the occasion dictates, however, the full-size medals must be mounted on a single ribbon bar. In either case, the medals worn must either be those of official military awards or those of Marine Corps League awards since commingling of these two types is never authorized.
Women's Casual Uniform
The regulations regarding the Casual Uniform for both regular and associate female members is provided below.
The scarlet and gold women's garrison-style cover with the appropriate device, embroidered lettering and identification strips is to be worn with the Casual Uniform. Detailed information regarding the cover is provided in the instructions regarding the Basic Uniform.
Blazer and Buttons
The scarlet blazer is available through a number of clothing vendors. The jacket should fit properly and should not "pull" when buttoned. The women's scarlet blazer is fitted differently, and the front buttons are set on the opposite side of that of the men's scarlet blazer. The buttons that are provided with the blazer by most suppliers will need to be removed and replaced with the official gold-colored Marine Corps League buttons. There will be two (2) large Marine Corps League buttons on the front of the blazer, and three (3) small Marine Corps League buttons on each sleeve.
Blazer Crest
The Marine Corps League blazer crest is worn only by regular members and is not authorized for wear by associate members. The blazer crest is worn on the left breast pocket, about ¼-inch below the lower half of the breast pocket cuff and centered on the pocket. The bullion-embroidered blazer crest may be attached using the three pin and clutch-back fasteners that are affixed to the back of the crest, or through the use of a blazer crest pocket insert. In lieu or an embroidered crest, a commercially sold plastic sleeve insert with a permanently set Marine Corps League seal may be worn in its place.
Lapel Pin
The Marine Corps League Member, Life Member, Commandant, and Associate Member pins may be worn in the left lapel button hole. Other pins are authorized, but never more than two (2) at a time. Consult section VIII of the current edition of the Marine Corps League Uniform Code for a detailed listing of authorized lapel pins.
Dress Shirt
A white, long sleeve, plain collar shirt is to be worn. This shirt can be purchased at any clothing store. It will not be the "aviator" style shirt worn with the Winter or Summer Undress Uniforms. No collar devices, pins, badges, ribbons, medals, or patches are to worn on the white dress shirt.
Necktie and Tie Bar or Neck Tab
Either a black satin cross-type tie (neck tab) or a men's black necktie with an authorized tie bar shall be worn. If a standard necktie is worn, it should be a solid-color flat black tie with either a Marine Corps League, Marine Corps, or a Marine Corps NCO gold tie bar. No other tie bar is authorized, nor is the use of tie tacks. A four-in-hand knot is recommended. A clip-on tie may be worn in lieu of a standard necktie.
Skirt or Slacks
Either a plain black, "A" line skirt, or black slacks is worn with this uniform. Both are available at many clothing stores. When the skirt is worn, its length will be 1 to 2-inches below the knee. When slacks are worn, a 1½-inch or ¾-inch wide black leather belt shall also be worn. The wide leather belt is worn with the large square buckle, while the narrower belt is worn with the rectangular buckle. Both buckles are gold in color and have the Marine Corps emblem on them.
Shoes, Socks, and Hose
Black nylon hosiery shall be worn when wearing a skirt along with black, plain toe, closed pumps of either Corfam or highly polished leather. When slacks are worn, black socks along with black oxfords, either of Corfam, or highly shined leather shall be worn. The uppers on the toes of the oxfords should be flat and without seams.
Earrings may be worn with this uniform. They must either be small, round, white pearl (or pearl like), or gold earrings, not to exceed 9mm in size. When worn, they will fit tight against the lobe of the ear and not extend below the earlobe.
Up to three full-size official military or Marine Corps League medals may be worn with the Casual Uniform as the occasion dictates, however, the full-size medals must be mounted on a single ribbon bar. In either case, the medals worn must either be those of official military awards or those of Marine Corps League awards since commingling of these two types is never authorized.