Regular members are Marines, Marine Veterans, or FMF Navy personnel. United States Army, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard, Merchant Marine Veterans are all welcomed to apply as Associate Members.
Regular Membership
Only persons who are serving, or who have served honorably in the United States Marine Corps, or United States Navy personnel attached to the Marine Corps, for a period of not less than ninety (90) days, and persons who are serving or have served in the United States Marine Corps Reserve and have earned no less than ninety (90) Reserve Retirement Credit Points shall be eligible for regular membership in the Marine Corps League.
Proof of honorable service in the United States Marine Corps or United States Marine Corps Reserve is required in the form of Honorable Discharge, DD-214, active/reserve I.D., or other documentation that substantiates proof of service as a United States Marine or FMF Navy personnel.

Associate Membership
Those individuals not qualified for regular membership in the Marine Corps League, or Marine Corps League Auxiliary (if and when such a detachment organization does or shall exist), who espouse the principles and purposes of the Marine Corps League as contained in its Congressional Charter, may upon application to the Detachment be accepted for associate membership in the Marine Corps League and Detachment # 066. If the applicant for associate membership has served with another service branch, he/she shall have served under honorable conditions. Proof of such service may be required.
Associate members, upon acceptance, will pay dues in the same amounts as prescribed for regular members, including initiation fees. A membership pin and membership card similar to the design and style of the approved regular membership pin and membership card, indicating "Associate Member" will be issued by National Headquarters. Uniform and cover, including ornamental device/emblems and lettering will be established by the National Uniform committee, and will be enforced by the Detachment. An associate member shall be entitled to all the rights, privileges and benefits of a regular member, except as provided herein. Such member may not vote nor hold elective office (specifically Commandant, Sr. Vice Commandant, Jr. Vice Commandant, Judge Advocate) within the Detachment, nor any elected or staff offices at Department or National level.
An associate member in the Detachment may hold staff officer or appointed positions, and may vote on the internal affairs of the Detachment or on matters not affecting Marine Corps League policy. Associate members may not vote on any membership application for regular membership.
Honorary Membership
An honorary membership may be issued, at the discretion of the Detachment Commandant and/or the elected Board of Trustees (Officer Board) to those persons who have been of extraordinary service to the Nation, to the community, to the United States Marine Corps, and/or the Marine Corps League.
The honorary member will not be entitled to the rights, privileges and benefits available to a regular or associate member. A suitable certificate will be issued to honor the occasion. Payment of dues or initiation fees is not required; however, such membership will not be entitled to the official publications of the Marine Corps League. Membership card certificate will be available from National Headquarters.
Life Membership
Any member of the Marine Corps League in good standing may become a Life Member upon proper payment of the required fee as set forth in the National bylaws, Section 645, Paragraph b, following the procedures and application process set forth therein. Detachment applicants for life member status must have been a member of the Detachment, and in good standing, for a minimum period of one (1) year.