"Yellow Footprint" DONORs
The famous Marine Yellow Footprints are where every recruit begins their transformation into a United States Marine. It does not matter if it is MCRD Parris Island or San Diego; these yellow footprints are where recruits first stand in formation at the position of attention – feet at a 45 degree angle, thus receiving their first lessons on their path to becoming Marines. The transformation is forever! Once a Marine, always a Marine. A concept perfectly expressed by the Marine Corps motto – Semper Fidelis!
The Marine Corps League is a way for Marines and FMF Corpsmen to continue to serve; a place to share in the type of camaraderie they experienced while in the Corps; as well as a way for them to continue to honor and participate in the traditions of the Corps to preserve the rich history of America’s elite. Above all else, it is a way for Marines and FMF Corpsmen to take care of their own by providing assistance or having a place to turn to in times of need.
Upon starting the LCpl Jacob D. Hayes Detachment we held a fund raising campaing to raise some intitial funds. Individuals and businesses in the Collin County community donated the funds through what was known as our "Yellow Footprint Donor Campaign." It was the generous contributions of those indiviuals and businesses listed below that enabled the detachment's early success. It is with sincere appreciation and gratitude that we recongnize our "Yellow Footprint Donors."
Top Campaign Donor
Douglas Chapman
(in honor of : Sgt. Warren Chapman)
Judge John Roach Jr.
Hella Shrine Center
$500+ Donors
Identity House Real Estate
Jonathan & Elizabeth Tutle
Kurt & Lacey Moore
Carla, Lisa, & Jana of:
Republic Title of Texas
$200+ Donors
Sherman Chapter No. 62 Royal Arch Masons
Sherman Council No. 43 Royal & Select Masons
Blue Ridge Masonic Lodge No. 490
McKinney Commandery No. 34
Indivisable Friends Commandery No. 13
Walker & Miranda Design Studio
Lyle Mueller
David Wolfe
Chris Harry
Mark Hannah
Gloria & Noe Sr. De Leon
$100+ Donors
Mike Brodie, Keller Williams Realty Plano
John P. Johnson
Tom Rauhaus
Lonnie Roy
Chair Covers by Yoli
Tim Duncan
Ken & Susan Barry
$50+ Donors
Kathy King
Don Ferry
Wes Caywood
Sam Owens
Ryan James
$25+ Donors
Jill Carter
Robert Morris